Annual check-ups

It’s important for your child to have regularly scheduled checkups, often called well-child visits, beginning shortly after birth and lasting through the teen years. These appointments allow your doctor to keep a close eye on your child’s general health and development. Nutrition, health and immunizations concerns can be discussed during these visits.

Well-child visits recommended schedule: 

·         3 to 5 days old.

·         By 1 month.

·         2 months.

·         4 months.

·         6 months.

·         9 months.

·         1 year.

·         15 months.

·         18 months.

·         2 years.

·         30 months.

·         3 years.

After age 3, well-child visits are usually scheduled yearly through the teen years.

LAUSD Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines.

Here is the link for the LAUSD info:

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